What is a Galaxy?
Galaxies are very large groups of stars, dust, gas and dark matter held together by gravity. They can take many shapes including spiral, elliptical, spherical and irregular. Most galaxies have supermassive black holes at their center. They can range in size from a few hundred millions stars to over 100 trillion stars in mass. While some galaxies are merging with others, and most have smaller companion galaxies, galaxies are typically separated by vast distances from one another. The four galaxies visible under dark skies to the naked eye include the Andromeda Galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Small Magellanic Cloud, and the Triangulum galaxy.
Pinwheel Galaxy M101
Celestron 9.25 with Hyperstar
Whirlpool Galaxy M51
TEC140ED Refractor
Silver Sliver Galaxy NGC891
TEC160FL Refractor
Sombrero Galaxy M104
Remote CDK24" Telescope in Chile
M81 & M82 Galaxies
Lunt 100MT
M104 The Sombrero Galaxy
TEC160FL Refractor
Leo Triplett of Galaxies
TEC140ED Refractor
M83 Galaxy
Meade 10" ACF (Namibia)
NGC5128 Galaxy
Meade 10" ACF (Namibia)
NGC 7331 & Stephan's Quintet
Celestron 9.25" SCT with Hyperstar
Markarian's Chain of Galaxies
Askar FRA400 Astrograph
Antenna Galaxies
My processing of raw Hubble data
M95 and M96
Celestron C9.25/Hyperstar
Andromeda Galaxy M31
Celestron C9.25/Hyperstar
NGC 1365 Galaxy
Remote Chilean Telescope
M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Whirlpool Galaxy M51
TEC 140 ED Refractor
M108 and M97
NGC 4565 Galaxy
NGC 1365
TEC140ED Refractor
NGC 1300
TEC160FL Refractor
Meade 10" ACF (Namibia)
Stephan's Quintet
TEC140ED Refractor
Large Magellanic Cloud
Sony A7iii (Namibia)
Fireworks Galaxy
NGC 3628 Hamburger Galaxy
Remote Chile Telescope
NGC 2835
Remote Chile Telescope
NGC 2997
Remote Chile Telescope
Small Magellanic Cloud
Remote Chile Telescope
M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Celestron C9.25/Hyperstar
M81 & M82 Galaxies
NGC 4038 Antenna Galaxies
TEC140 Refractor
M100 Galaxy
ARP 329 Galaxy Cluster
Draco Triplet
Celestron C9.25/Hyperstar
M63 Galaxy
Celestron C9.25/Hyperstar
NGC 300 galaxy
Meade 10" ACF (Namibia)
M104 with Stargate cluster
Celestron C9.25/Hyperstar
M81 Galaxy Group
Askar FRA400 Astrograph
M31/32/110 Galaxies
Lunt 100MT
M81 Galaxy
Lunt 100MT
Markarian's chain of galaxies
Radian 75
Markarian's chain annotated with 169 galaxies
Radian 75
Deer Lick Galaxy Group and Stephan's Quintet
Markarian's chain annotated with 169 galaxies
Radian 75